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Shabbat with a Rocket Scientist (and Torah Scholar)

Ari Sacher is a Rocket Scientist, and has worked in the design and development of ‎missiles for over twenty years. He has briefed nearly one half of the US Congress on ‎Israeli Missile Defense, including briefings on Capitol Hill at the invitation of the ‎House Majority Leader. He speaks regularly for the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Dr. ‎Sacher is a highly requested speaker at AIPAC events, enabling even the layman to ‎understand the "rocket science", and his speaking events are regularly sold-out.‎
Ari has also been a scholar in residence in numerous synagogues in the USA and ‎Canada. He is a riveting speaker, using his experience in the defense industry to ‎explain the Torah in a way that is simultaneously enlightening and entertaining.‎
Ari studied at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh, and publishes a weekly parasha shiur that is ‎read around the world.  ‎

Friday Evening, 6:10 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat followed by Community Shabbat Dinner & Oneg
"Looking for G-d in All the Wrong Places"
Many people saw the "Hand of G-d" in the performance of "Iron Dome" during the Operation Protective Edge, especially in a highly publicized incident in which the system failed to operate and G-d "stepped in".  Through this we'll try to understand what Iron Dome does and what a "miracle" really is.

Shabbat Morning
Morning Drasha
"The Best Offense is a Good Defense"
Yaakov Avinu had two names, Yaakov and Yisrael.  Each of these names came with a persona.  Yisrael signifies majesty, while Yaakov signifies subterfuge.  There are two ways to win a war: attack and defence.  Missile Defense Systems, while hugely successful, are only one part of the equation.

Keynote Address following Davening
"Obama's Drones and Prayer"
What protecting the president from drones on the White House lawn has to do with G-d answering our prayers.

and Kids' Kiddush (11:45 am)

Congregational Lunch (meat)

Melava Malka, 9:15 PM
"On Torah, Science, and Mission Planning: How Mission Planning for a Smart Weapon Can Help Give Us Directions on How to Proceed When Torah and Science Clash"
A strike weapon built in Israel and sold to Korea can teach a whole lot about how Hashem runs His world.

  You won't want to miss the most exciting shabbat this side of the stratosphere!

The Ari Sacher Scholar in Residence Shabbat is presented
by the Torat Emet Scholars Circle*
Marilyn & Stuart Cole
in memory of parents, Irene and David Cole,
and Leonore and Larry Zusman
Sarah Frank & Family
in memory of husband and father, Moshe Frank
Dr. Rochel & Rabbi Henoch Millen
in memory of daughter, Naomi Ora Millen Talansky
Naomi Myers & Family
in memory of husband and father, David G. Myers
Linda & Rabbi Howard Zack
in memory of mother, Gloria Weisman Vlosky

Additional Sponsors
Barbara & Dr. Alan Levy
in memory of mother, Ruth Kahane

* The Torat Emet Scholars Circle are patrons of our annual Scholar in Residence programs
If you would like to join the Scholars Circle, please contect the synagogue office at or (614) 238-6778

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785