Brander-Pelcovitz Shabbaton
Living an Enhanced Jewish Life:
A Community Shabbaton for the New Year
September 9-11, 2016
Rabbi Kenny Brander Dr. David Pelcovitz
Todah Rabah to
Dr. David Pelcovitz and Rabbi Kenny Brander
for a wonderful and enlightening Shabbaton, and to
all of our sponsors and volunteers
who made the weekend so very special
Todah Rabah to our generous sponsors:
Marilyn and Stuart Cole
in memory of parents, Leonore and Lawrence Zusman a"h
Dr. Rochel L. and Rabbi Henoch Millen
in memory of Betty and Abraham Landesman a"h
Naomi Myers and Family
in memory of David G. Myers a"h and Judith Kurtez a"h
Linda Vlosky Zack and Rabbi Howard Zack
in memory of Gloria Weisman Vlosky a"h
Nancy and Ken Supowit
in memory of Robert Arthur Freeman a"h
Sarah Frank
in memory of Moshe Frank a"h
Todah Rabah to those that worked so hard
to make the weekend happen:
Joni Schottenstein, Laurie Alexander, Esther Bernzweig, Barbara Kalef,
Dorothy Salomons, Stu Appelbaum,
Rose Kalef, Yaakov Metz and Neil Kalef, Chad Horwitz
erev shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat (6:00 pm) followed by
Delicious Community Shabbat Dinner
Click here for dinner cost and RSVP information
Bridging the Gap Between Moral Knowledge and Action
Keynote Address by Dr. Pelcovitz (8:15 pm)
in memory of Gloria Weisman Vlosky a"h
Reflections of the Rav
Oneg with Rabbi Brander (9-9:45 pm)
8:00 - 10:00pm Babysitting and Childcare
Click here for childcare RSVP and cost information
shabbat morning
Steady Yet Bold: The Path of a New Generation
Shabbat Morning Drasha by Rabbi Brander
Forgiveness: Psychological Insights into Everyday Life
Shiur from Dr. Pelcovitz
in memory of Leonore and Lawrence Zusman a"h
Kids Kiddush!!!
(both at 11:45 am)
congregational lunch -- meat
shabbat afternoon
a Karite Woman Weds a Rabbi: A Story of Mutual Respect
with Rabbi Brander
in memory of Betty and Abraham Landesman a"h
Raising Your Child to Be a Mentch
with Dr. Pelcovitz
in memory of David G. Myers a"h and Judith Kertesz a"h
Kids Programming:
Drama Camp with Rosie, Supervised Sports
(1:30 - 2:30 pm)
Mincha (6:30 pm)
Faith, Family & Friends:
What Does Judaism and Psychology Teach Us About Being Happy
with Dr. Pelcovitz (7:15 pm)
in memory of Moshe Frank a"h
saturday night/sunday morning
Saturday Night
Ice Cream Melava Malka (9:30 pm)
Ethical and Practical Issues Facing Modern Orthodoxy
Discussion with Rabbi Brander and Dr. Pelcovitz
in memory of Robert Arthur Freeman a"h
Sunday Morning
Thank You: The Importance of Gratitude and Its Role in Our Lives
by Dr. Pelcovitz, followed by open Q & A
in memory of Leonore and Lawrence Zusman a"h
Breakfast at 9:30 am
Click here for meal cost and RSVP information
Sat, January 25 2025
25 Tevet 5785
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