Bar and Bat Mitzvah
Bar and Bat Mitzvah
Mazal tov on reaching this important milestone! Our shul can help you through your child's transition to Jewish adulthood. Jewish boys become responsible for mitzvot at the age of 13, and Jewish girls become responsible for mitzvot at the age of 12. These ages are measured by the Jewish lunar calendar, so they do not correspond exactly to your child's secular birthday.
Please contact the shul office 18 months in advance of your child's bar or bat mitzvah (viz., while your son is 111/2, or while your daughter is 101/2) to schedule an appointment with Rabbi Zack. All of our children and families meet with the rabbi in order to determine the correct Jewish date of the bar or bat mitzvah, and in order to begin the exciting process of preparing a child to become an outstanding adult member of the Jewish people.
For Boys
Boys frequently choose to participate in the morning services on a Shabbat soon after they turn 13 in order to highlight the fact that they are old enough to be part of a minyan and carry out its functions. But this takes a great deal of learning and practice. We can help find a meaningful project for your son, and set you up with an experienced tutor to help him accomplish his goals.
For Girls
Many of our girls choose to devote time and energy toward some endeavor in Jewish learning or ritual practice in preparation for becoming responsible in the fulfillment of mitzvot. Meeting with Rabbi Zack to shape a vision for this project and turn it into a reality is a special experience for our families and children.
Additionally, our young girls and their mothers are strongly encouraged to avail themselves of our unparalleled Matan Bat Mitzvah Progam. This unique educational opportunity provides dynamic and creative moments of learning for 5th - 6th grade girls and their mothers about navigating through this special phase of life, and its is designed to help young women build an adult identity firmly rooted in Jewish experiences.
The series has been taught in ten weekly sessions by Dr. Shifra Tyberg and Mrs. Linda Vlosky Zack. Registration for the next cycle will begin in January, 2018. Special thanks go to the Jeanie and Jay Schottenstein Family Foundation for generously making this groundbreaking program available to Main Street and the entire Central Ohio community.
Planning an Event
Our state-of-the-art facility is available to host a beautiful celebration of your simchah. Please contact the shul office in order to plan your event. Our information packet includes a listing of rates as well as names of caterers and vendors who have worked with the shul in the past. We will work together with you to make sure your event is just as beautiful and meaningful as you imagine it to be.
Sat, January 25 2025
25 Tevet 5785
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