Mazal tov on your new arrival! Our community can help you welcome your precious child, and make you first weeks together as meaningful as possible.
Our Chesed Committee is available to help facilitate meals to assist you during the first week after birth.
It's a boy! For thousands of years, Jews have observed the Biblical commandment to perform a brit, by ritual circumcision, on the eighth day from the baby's birth. To schedule a brit, please contact the shul office, as soon as possible after the birth of your son. We work very closely with the community's experienced Mohel, Dotan Herszage, and we will help you get in touch with him to arrange for a meaningful and joyous ceremony.
If you need a Pidyon HaBen, we can help arrange for that as well.
Baby Naming/Simchat Bat
It's a girl! If your little bundle is a girl, we will work closely with your family to plan a meaningful ceremony for whatever fits your family's need.
Planning an Event
Our state-of-the-art facility is available to host a beautiful celebration of your simchah. Please contact the shul office in order to plan your event. Our informational packet includes a listing of rates as well as names of caterers and vendors who have worked with the shul in the past. We will work together with you to make sure your event is just as beautiful and meaningful as you imagine it to be.
Sat, January 25 2025
25 Tevet 5785
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